Since the 2019 inception of EVW, the program has supported the management of some of the most significant incidents in state and national history. These included the Lake Christine, Sylvan Lake, Grizzly Creek, East Troublesome, Cameron Peak, Dixie, and Walker fires. Supporting the state and national emergency response framework provides crucial training and skill maintenance to EVW staff and its participating agencies. This directly promotes response readiness within Eagle County.
After experiencing notable fire seasons in 2018, 2020, and 2021, Colorado's 2022 fire season was significantly less traumatic than past seasons. Despite this seeming lull in fire response, EVW responded to 17 separate wildland fires within Eagle County, spanning 21 days. EVW also supported the national emergency response framework by dispatching overhead and engines on twelve separate occasions. In addition to conducting wildland fire-related operations, EVW also assists with All Hazard and Search and Rescue related activities as requested by our partners within Eagle County.
In 2023, EVW and the UCR partnered to support the more considerable wildfire suppression efforts in Eagle County. The UCR ordered EVW staff as overhead to remain in Eagle County to support suppression efforts on Federal lands. This partnership proved valuable on many occasions as local and federal resources were in place to keep fires small.
Locally, EVW personnel supported 45 days of wildfire suppression efforts. EVW also assisted with nine additional incidents outside of Eagle County.